This blog by a tax professor is about tax reform and moving tax systems into the 21st century. It focuses on tax system weaknesses, critiques selected reform proposals, and offers new ideas, with an emphasis on federal, California and multistate matters. Additional information - articles, reports and links, can be found at the 21st Century Taxation website (see link below right). I welcome your comments.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Tax Reform: Status, Needs & Realities -Conference on Feb 3, 2012
TEI and SJSU are once again holding a 1 day Tax Policy Conference to provide an opportunity for people to get up to speed on the inevitable tax reform of some degree that will happen at the federal and California levels due to deficit issues, complexity, inequities, inefficiences, and competitiveness.
The 2012 conference will be February 3, 2012 at Techmart, 5201 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA. We have a great slate of speakers including Joshua Odintz who recently left Treasury where he worked on various tax reform projects. We also have Dean Andal, formerly with BOE and the State Assembly, Fred Silva with California Forward, Gina Rodriquez with CalTax, Greg Turner with COST and several more.
We will cover federal activities and prospects and delve into the Camp territorial proposal, we will also explore some reforms suggested for California including upcoming ballot proposals. There will also be time for attendees to share ideas and provide input.
For a detailed agenda and to register - please see Registration fees are $150 general and $75 for government/non-profit attendees.
All the righteous calls for politicians to show Leadership on tax reform come without the slightest commitment that business will back up the leader when the going gets tough. Dream on, guys.