Let me know of any sales tax policy topics you are most interested in. Thank you.
http://www.salestaxsupport.com/ |
This blog by a tax professor is about tax reform and moving tax systems into the 21st century. It focuses on tax system weaknesses, critiques selected reform proposals, and offers new ideas, with an emphasis on federal, California and multistate matters. Additional information - articles, reports and links, can be found at the 21st Century Taxation website (see link below right). I welcome your comments.
http://www.salestaxsupport.com/ |
I have become one of the most popular sales trainers in the country because women in sales appreciate that I have researched how women sell and run separate sales courses for women based on that research. While everyone recognizes that some sales techniques work for both genders, a majority of sophisticated women sales managers believe as I do that a woman's approach is so different from a man's it is counter-productive to teach men and women together. Click here to know more about sales management training