Saturday, May 2, 2015

Tax Outlook for 2015

I've got a short (1 page) article in the CPELink Spring/Summer 2015 magazine on my take on the tax outlook for 2015. I note three items to watch - ACA, preparer regulation and tax reform. I have a brief summary below. For the full page article - click here and go to page 9.
  1. Affordable Care Act (ACA) – By late June, we should have the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in King v. Burwell, 759 F.3d 358 (4th Cir. 2014), on whether individuals obtaining coverage through the federal Exchange (because their state did not create its own Exchange), are entitled to the PTC they likely have been receiving since January 2014. If the government loses this case, millions of individuals will likely terminate their coverage as it is unaffordable without the PTC subsidy. Or, perhaps Congress will step in with a remedy. 
  2. Preparer Regulation – At the start of the 114th Congress in January 2015, Senator Wyden introduced The Taxpayer Protection andPreparer Proficiency Act of 2015 (S. 137) to give the IRS authority to regulate preparers by having them “demonstrate competency to advise and assist persons in preparing tax return, claims for refund, and associated documents.
  3. Tax Reform – In the last few days of the 113rd Congress, key outgoing and incoming tax committee leaders indicated that tax reform discussions would continue.  House Ways and Means Committee Chair Dave Camp formally introduced his tax reform proposal as H.R. 1. He had introduced it for discussion in February 2014, but formally introducing it as a bill means it easily lives on forever, even though Congressman Camp retired at the end of 2014.  The fate of the 51 provisions that expired at the end of 2014 will likely be tied up as part of tax reform.  If nothing happens by early December 2015, we are likely to see a repeat of December 2014 with most items extended retroactively for one year (back to 1/1/15).
Again - for a few more details - go to page 9 of the magazine.
What do you think? What does your tax outlook list for 2015 look like?


  1. It'll be interesting to see how the Supreme Court case turns out - it'll be monumental no matter which way it goes. Thanks for sharing these!

  2. My clients love Affordable Care Act Insurance. Many of them haven't had any health insurance for years. This Supreme Court ruling could affect them as we are in Florida. Hoping for a positive outcome.
