Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Filing 2015 tax returns - help for practitioners

Every year out federal tax system becomes more complicated. This is due to both law changes and more complicated transactions that many individuals get involved in such as multistate or international investments and sharing economy activities.

Law changes have a range of effective dates. For example, the 130+ tax changes included in Public Law 114-113 (12/18/15) includes changes effective for 2015, some for tax years beginning after 12/31/15 and a few later than that. Also, for many, the IRS will need to provide guidance to help us fully implement the rules.

I see the AICPA has a lot of resources (once again) for practitioners (some for members only) - Ten Resources for Tax Season. There are a lot of helpful items including assisting victims of identity theft, rates, IRS hotline numbers and more.

What tips do you have?