1. Governor Greitens of Missouri has proposed repealing that states 2% unlimited discount. Certainly, it would raise revenue, but he also states that with improve compliance technology, the discount is no longer needed.
2. I reviewed many parts of Texas' tax law in preparing for testimony I presented to the Texas Commission on Public School Finance on April 5. I first noticed that they gave a discount for paying hotel taxes on time. They also have penalties for filing and paying late. The discount along with the penalty seemed to me worth addressing. After all, who gets a bonus for doing what they are supposed to do? I have not heard of employees getting bonuses for showing up for work on time. I also noted they had both a discount and a prepayment bonus in their sales tax system. A prepayment bonus is intriguing and one that technology can certain eliminate the need for. If states want their tax dollars earlier, such as to pay bills rather than have to borrow to pay bills, why not use technology to get the payment to the government real time rather than have the sales tax first go to the vendor and then to the government (see my 6/23/08 (!) post for this topic).
For more on discounts, what states use them, which have limits and which do not and the tax policy considerations of them, please take a look at the post.
What do you think?
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Sales Tax Software, Are Sales Tax Discounts Still Appropriate?
Anyone looking at their sales receipt upon leaving a store will
believe they paid the sales tax rather than the vendor. The vendor though, must
maintain proper records, file a sales tax form and remit the sales tax
collected from customers. Should the vendor be compensated for its efforts?
Many states do so, typically referred to as a vendor discount.
The Federation of Tax Administrators maintains a list of
what each state offers as a discount, if any, and if there is a cap on that
amount. The discount is often based on a percentage of tax collected. The
likely rationale for providing a minimum is that the compliance costs are
unlikely to increase much as the amount to collect and remit goes up. But not
all states have a cap on the discount.
Per the FTA list, 28
states offer a discount with 18 of them imposing a cap on the discount. The
discount amount ranges from .25% in Nevada to 5% in Alabama and New York. Some
states have a range of percentages, typically, higher for a initial stated
amount of collections, and decreasing for collections above that amount, to
account for the economies of scale that exist in the compliance process. The
discount is also likely to only apply for timely compliance.
Why don't all states offer a discount? Well, cost is an obvious
one. The discount in effect lowers the rate of the sales tax. The 0.5% discount
offered by Texas cost the state $132 million in 2017. Texas also offers a 1.25%
early payment discount which also cost the state about $132 million in 2017.
These are significant costs for governments running on tight budgets.
States that don't offer a discount may also just view the
collection costs as the cost of doing business. That hinders economic
efficiency though in that not all businesses have to collect sales tax.
Missouri Governor Greitens has proposed repealing the state's
sales tax discount as part of a tax reform plan to lower rates and close
loopholes. His rationale for repealing the state's uncapped 2% discount for
sales tax collection follows (from a 1/29/18 press release):
Timely Filing Discounts: Missouri currently offers a 2%
discount to businesses for filing withholding taxes on time. Missouri is one of
the only states in the country to provide an uncapped discount as high as 2% to
vendors for filing sales taxes on time. At one time in history, it was a great
difficulty for businesses to manually calculate and send their sales tax to
state and local governments. This discount was intended to factor those
difficulties into the tax collection system, and reward those who paid their
taxes on time. Today, with modern technology, paying taxes on time is the norm,
not the exception. In effect, Missouri's tax system rewards businesses for
doing what they are required to do by state law. Families do not see a similar
discount for following the law, and the issue that this attempts to address is
not relevant in today's modern economy. These discounts complicate the tax code
and offer no competitive advantage to Missouri. The Withholding Tax Timely
Filing Discount and Vendor Timely Filing Discount should be eliminated, in
favor of a simple reduction in tax rates."
So, Governor Eric Greitens raises another consideration for not
offering a discount for sales tax compliance - technology has lowered the
Well, technology has certainly made sales tax compliance a lot
easier in recent years, but it still requires purchase and maintenance of the
software and hardware, as well as humans to make it all work.
Perhaps it would be better to lower the discount percentage and
impose a cap. For Texas and any other state offering a discount for early
payment, technology should be considered that would allow the sales tax to go
directly to the state at time of sale without even the need to file a return
(even cash payments could be converted into immediate transfer of the sales tax
when those deposits are made to the bank). That is, when a person's credit card
is charged, the cost of the goods are charged to the vendor and the sales tax
is charged to the state (who also then pays the credit card charge fee for the
tax rather than the vendor). (See Texas Comptroller report,
pages 12 - 15.)
The topic of sales tax discounts for vendors could get even more
attention in all states with a sales tax should the U.S. Supreme Court rule for
South Dakota in the South Dakota v. Wayfair case it
will hear on April 17, 2018. If vendors without a physical presence in a state
have to collect sales tax from customers in those states, their compliance
costs will go up (including for the technology they will need) and they are
likely to demand some type of compensation.
We'll see what happens in Missouri and more broadly.
Your thoughts?
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