May 14, 2018 was the 11th anniversary of the 21st Century Taxation Blog. This is my 991th post.
I continue to strive to promote improved tax systems that better reflect the ways we live and do business today and follow principles of good tax policy. My goal this coming year is to have regular posts showing examples of how tax systems can be improved to be more effective.
Here is an example, one I also wrote about in 2012 and submitted to the Senate Finance Committee for the written record of their 7/10/12 hearing on Boosting Opportunities and Growth Through Tax Reform: Helping more Young People Achieve the American Dream. Here is a link to my full testimony and a link to the written record of the hearing.
How much did this hearing affect the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (PL 115-97; 12/22/17)? Not much. While many tax breaks were cut back, some of the most costly ones, such as the exclusion for employer-provided health benefits were untouched. The individual mandate (penalty) to have health insurance was repealed starting 2019 which will cause health insurance costs to increase. The Earned Income Tax Credit was not increased. No first-time homebuyer credit for low to middle-income taxpayers was created. No changes were made to address the growing number of individuals in the "gig economy" who are self-employed.
Here is my suggestion from 2012 to support modern entrepreneurship:
Several trends indicate that workers today are more likely
to be self-employed, telecommute or work in their home, and have continual
needs for new technologies (such as for hardware and software). Many existing
tax rules though, work contrary to support these trends. For example, worker
classification rules are unclear causing some employers to label all workers as
employees, making it difficult for a self-employed entrepreneur to succeed.
Strict home office deduction rules, particularly the exclusive use requirement,
make it almost impossible for workers and self-employed individuals to qualify
for the deduction. Thus, they are not able to properly calculate true taxable income
because some valid business expenses are not deductible.
Additional reforms should be considered to help young people
obtain initial funding to start a business. For example, existing tax rules
could be modified to provide incentives for established businesses to donate to
entrepreneur grant programs where individuals could submit business plans with
the hope of being awarded a tax-free start-up grant. The reforms to help fund
such grant programs could come from a lowered tax rate on repatriated earnings
that go into the fund, or an enhanced charitable contribution deduction for
donations to such grant programs.
I'm going to update and further develop that idea - supporting modern entrepreneurship as one more my research projects this year.What do you think?
I have been your silent reader for long.. Now I think you have to know how much your articles have inspired me to do better. This is very insightful and informative. Thank you for sharing. I would love to see more updates from you.
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